Donations and Sponsorship
As a registered non-profit we always welcome donations.
You can read more about how we will use your donations below, or you can read more about how we work by reading our mission statement
If you feel like giving money the easiest way is via our Go Fund Me page which is linked here. https://www.gofundme.com/dj-school-uk
Alternatively, you can send cheques or make cash donations directly to us. If you want to make a bank transfer please request our Bank Details.
If you are a business that wants to support us please contact us to discuss sponsorship.
If you have unwanted DJ equipment, cables, headphones, vinyl or CDs – we can put it all to good use and will come and collect it from you. Just contact us.
How your donation will be used:
We believe every child and young person deserves the chance to try out music and play creatively. Austerity measures and the current education system make access to music experiences harder and harder for many young people.
All applicants to DJ School UK are means-tested and only pay if they can. For those who can’t pay we use the money paid by those who can, or we apply for funds from the creative and educational sectors.
Your donations will be used to support those young people who cannot afford our services or who will benefit most.
What a donation can buy.
£50 = one hour private tuition session.
£165 = two hours of private tuition and ten sessions in one of our after school clubs.
£199 = three hours of private tuition and ten sessions in one of our after school clubs.
£145 = two hour workshop for a group of up to 8 young people.
…but every little helps, from pence to pounds!