We do not have any one-size fits all teaching method that we always apply. Every student is different and every child, young person or adult will learn in their own way. Each group or project will have its own demands and aims and there may be specific outcomes that only relate to one or two people at any time.
We have years of experience and have various demonstrations, explanations, anecdotes, tips and tricks which we find can be drawn upon as seems appropriate.
We also plan, plan and plan more, then we are flexible as we deliver. We reflect as a group, reflect individually, reflect as a group again and then plan for the next session. This cycle is known as “do, review, improve” and it is integral to the way we work as a team.
We do not operate like a traditional classroom. As each young person wants to learn to mix or DJ with their own favourite music we aim wherever possible to allow them all plenty of time alone, in headphones, working on their own ideas. We then offer tips, advice or answer queries as they arise.
Occasionally we will stop the flow of learning to teach a specific new technique that is appropriate to all learners, or to have certain groups complete written work or feedback forms.
We will also stop the flow to let someone play live, through the speakers, for all to appreciate and appraise.
We engage to educate.